We are making janam kundali for astrological predictions. To cast your horoscope, your date of birth, place and exact time is required for astronomical calculations. With free Hindi kundali software, you don’t have to run for any astrologer, instead you will get your online Kundli in hindi free. From giving you Ascendant, Moon sign and Nakshatra predictions free to finally helping you lead a more prosperous life, the Janam Kundali is everything that you need to try for making your life happy and worth-living.
A Kundli or horoscope is an astrological chart or a diagram showing the positions of planets, moon, and sun, is created on the basis of date of birth, place and time. This astrological chart represents various planetary positions and astrological angles and other significant information at the time of an occurrence or the moment when a child is born.
A professional astrologer can prepare a Kundali, but in this digital world where everything is just a click away, getting an online Kundli is no longer a cumbersome task. AstroSage has got you a free hindi kundali software that can make your work easier and time-efficient. There are many astrologers who use local time and place of birth to calculate rising and ascending stars of the native.